In response to the latter, several non-formal, accelerated or alternative10 education programmes and initiatives have emerged around the world in order to provide increased access to edu-cation. SIL are a catalyst for further innovation within the camps and bring opportunities to the camp – essential in a context where formal employment and freedom of movement are strictly limited. The education programme includes psychol-social support activities for children non-formal education support to in- and out of-school children and youth parental and community engagement, and teacher training. ments decrease access to formal education leaving a significant number of children and youth out of school. Taking a broad definition of education, with a focus on building competencies such as real-life problem-solving, teamwork, and creative trouble-shooting the SIL approach has provided an equitable platform for young people to apply both formal education skills and those they have developed outside of the school environment.The two-stage, competitive format has proven effective in generating collaborative and innovative projects that more efficiently address the growing social needs in refugee camps. formal and non-formal forms of basic education increasingly resemble each other. 5.1 Development in Education since Jomtien ( 1990 ) Education For All ( Jomtiem ) 1990 - 2000 The world Conference on Education held in Jomtien, Thailand, 5-9 th March 1990, and sponsored by UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank, represents an historic initiative to bring. SIL aims to develop 21st century skills and empower adolescents. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Literacy (adult illiterates) Out-of-School children (including EGS) and youth and Continuing education. Programmes of Alternative Schooling through Non-formal Education. The Department of Education, since 1980, has been sponsoring nonformal education (NFE) for children of ages 6 to 14, especially those marginalized from the formal system for various reasons, especially poverty. Know about how it differs from formal education and. Governmental Programs: India's open universities, adult education programs, and widespread distance education cater to the needs of a diverse population.

Social Innovation Labs (SIL) is a unique programme of creative hang-out space for adolescents that enables them to propose and implement solutions for social issues in camps. Find the answer to'WHAT IS NON FORMAL EDUCATION', history of the concept, types of institutions, methods, principles of non-formal education.